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Federal City’s HYPPER Program Works!

Substance Abuse and Prevention Counseling

We created the HYPPER program to help adolescents and young adults overcome addictions and strongholds and regain control of their lives. One of the services we provide in the program is professional counseling to educate on prevention, coping,  and treatment techniques for drug and alcohol abuse and related mental illnesses.

The program is suitable for students in elementary, middle, and high school and to all who are ages 12 to 21 years. We work with the adolescent and young adult throughout the school and semester periods to make sure our program activities are scheduled around their existing academic schedule. Participants in this program will have access to resources provided by Federal City for health, education, testing, and treatment.


Cannabis Youth Treatment

Participants between the ages of 12 and 21 benefit from our Cannabis Youth Treatment services. It is one of the premier services offered in the HYPPER program because we know that cannabis abuse can lead to emotional, social, and physical problems. Oftentimes affected individuals find it challenging to cope with their school activities, communicate with family and friends, and in some cases, commit crimes that lead to jail sentences.

Federal City will treat anyone who has a cannabis dependency and specifically will enroll into the HYPPER program those who are between the ages of 12 and 21. Our Cannabis Youth Treatment plan includes the following;

  • Teaching participants how to maintain self-control and refuse an invitation to use Cannabis
  • Encouraging participants to engage in activities unrelated to drug use
  • Creating a social support group to aid recovery
  • Teaching participants how to handle or avoid actions that can cause relapse, and
  • Educating participants on how to recover from a relapse


Motivational Enhancement Therapy (MET)

MET is a part of the educational program in The HYPPER Program. It is an essential phase in educating the participant and we provide individual sessions on how to gain the self-control needed to stop using substances.

The MET sessions are organized as small group sessions in which the therapist help participants acknowledge the reasons why they sought help for overcoming abusive substances. The sessions help participants

  • avoid bad associations and participate in social networks that support recovery
  • identify the factors that link to their substance abuse
  • prepare for starting and completing treatment
  • learn about high-risk situations that cause relapses and how to avoid them, and
  • practice behaviors that distract them from the urge to use substances.


Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

The CBT program is organized as weekly group sessions. All participants are encouraged to be engaged in the learning program. The education teaches the adolescents and young adults how to solve problems, anger management methods, emotional control and how to improve communication. These skills help the participant apply self-control when they feel tempted to use substances.

We explore different situations that can cause a recovering client to suddenly succumb to substance abuse again. We understand the need to study the mind, response to feelings, and weaknesses that can lead to a relapse.


Mental Health Counseling

Our well-trained therapists professionally deliver the best results when working with adolescents and young adults. We use expressive methods of therapy to understand the behavior and attitudes of young participants. This level of expertise is needed for a successful mental health counseling session because like adults, adolescents and young adults can be rebellious and make decisions that have adverse effects on their future. The attraction to drugs and drink alcohol does not help the situation. Therefore, it is important to offer guidance to help adolescents stay on the right path to becoming successful individuals after recovery.

The comprehensive approach to mental health counseling involves patience, understanding, and professionalism to gain the participant’s trust. The sessions address personal issues that the adolescent may be struggling with such as depression, anxiety, anger, and suicidal tendencies.


Individual Counseling and Therapy

Individual Counseling and Therapy is a successful approach because it involves the process of building a professional relationship with the adolescent or young adult.

Our individual counseling and therapy sessions are led by trained therapists who teach the adolescents to master the best responses to issues related to substance abuse. Participants receive the best support to recovery and ultimately gain a stronger sense of purpose and peace of mind.

The sessions specifically address individual struggles related to anxiety, depression, grief and loss, self-esteem, guilt and shame, vulnerability, and how to live more authentically. Coping with these struggles help participants increase balance, self-development, and find rediscovery.


Family-Based Recovery Support  

The situation in families with adolescents and young adults suffering from substance abuse can quickly spiral out of control if they do not get help. The adolescent is struggling, and the parents, out of despair, can make poor decisions. The situation can escalate because the adolescent lacks the tools needed to cope. Therefore, they eventually become dependent on drugs or other addictive substances and their denial oftentimes lead to reject professional treatment or help from friends and family members. Only professional help can stop the situation from getting worse.

Our HYPPER Program includes a training and educational session that teaches the parents or loved ones how to best provide support for a successful recovery. With our family-based recovery support methods, we can turn the adolescent or young adult’s life around, helping them to become functioning members of the community again.


Recreational Activities & Retreats  

The recreational activities and retreats in our HYPPER Program augment the counseling and therapy for the adolescents and young adults to provide a client-centered group of personalized features that addresses the client’s particular needs.

We choose the activities and events based on factors such as the season, upcoming holidays, cultural celebrations, and community event engagements. The activities include visits to the cinema, museums, group games, and viewing favorite sports.

Our goals are to:

  • Keep the client motivated and focused on the recovery program.
  • Improve emotional health, physical and cognitive abilities
  • Improve mental well-being and association with the community, and
  • Encourage self-confidence, communication, and awareness to make the right choices.


Art Therapy  

Art therapy is excellent for adolescents and young adults struggling with substance abuse. It gives the client an opportunity to express themselves through painting, drawing, sculpting, or simple artistic construction projects. The client harnesses their creative minds to achieve self-expression in a positive way and gives the client an opportunity to use a different form of communication to describe what they are going through.

Therapists use art therapy because it is effective and non-confrontational. Participants acknowledge and accept they need professional help and are willing to openly communicate their thoughts and worries about the recommended treatment program.

For a look at some of our clients’ work, take a look at our Virtual Art Gallery.