Accreditations and Licenses
Federal City has built excellent relationships with both local and federal agencies and community organizations, which allows us to facilitate cooperation on funding and licensing so that we meet the treatment and recovery goals of all our participants.
We have been funded and certified since 1999 by the U.S. Court Services and Offender Supervision Agency, SAMHSA / HHS, DC Pretrial Services, U.S. High Intensity Drug Treatment Agency, DC Department of Health (APRA) and currently the D.C. Department of Behavioral Health.
To operate, our sites are required to maintain licensing under Chapter 63, of Title 22 under the D.C. Code of Municipal Regulations. Also, Federal City maintains mandatory certifications and approvals with D.C. Business Licensing (Building and Fire Permits), the D.C. State Health Planning and Developments “Certificate of Need”, Homeland Security via Federal Central Contracting Regulations and SAMHSA.
Our program sites remain in compliance with D.C. Certification standards as evidenced by the completion of the D.C. Certification Application, Survey and other procedures as outlined in Chapter 23 of the D.C. Code.